category: Net Libs Devel build-depends: cygport mingw64-i686-openssl mingw64-i686-zlib mingw64-i686-binutils mingw64-i686-gcc-core autoconf automake findutils libtool make man-db sdesc: "SSH2 protocol library (Win32 development)" ldesc: "libssh2 is a library implementing the SSH2 protocol as defined by Internet Drafts: SECSH-TRANS, SECSH-USERAUTH, SECSH-CONNECTION, SECSH-ARCH, SECSH-FILEXFER, SECSH-DHGEX, SECSH-NUMBERS, and SECSH-PUBLICKEY. Package provides Mingw MS VC RT-linked binaries, NOT Cygwin binaries, for use with the mingw64-i686-gcc cross compiler, installed in /usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/{bin,lib,include}/." skip: homepage: