Require::HookChain - Chainable require hooks

    This document describes version 0.014 of Require::HookChain (from Perl
    distribution Require-HookChain), released on 2023-05-03.

    Say you want to create a require hook to prepend some code to the module
    source code that is loaded. In your hook source, in

     package Require::HookChain::munge::prepend;

     sub new {
         my ($class, $preamble) = @_;
         bless { preamble => $preamble }, $class;

     sub Require::HookChain::munge::prepend::INC {
         my ($self, $r) = @_;

         # safety, in case we are not called by Require::HookChain
         return () unless ref $r;

         my $src = $r->src;
         return unless defined $src;
         $src = "$self->{preamble};\n$src";


    In a code to use this hook:

     use Require::HookChain 'munge::prepend' => 'use strict';
     use Foo::Bar; # Foo/ will be loaded with added 'use strict;' at the start

    Install other hooks, but put it at the end of @INC instead of at the

     use Require::HookChain -end => 1, append => 'some code';
     use Require::HookChain 'log::stderr'; # log each loading of module to stderr

    This module lets you create chainable require hooks. As one already
    understands, Perl lets you put a coderef or object in @INC. In the case
    of object, its "INC" method will be called by Perl:

     package My::INCHandler;
     sub new { ... }
     sub My::INCHandler::INC {
         my ($self, $filename) = @_;

    The method is passed itself then filename (which is what is passed to
    "require()") and is expected to return nothing or a list of up to four
    values: a scalar reference containing source code, filehandle, reference
    to subroutine, optional state for subroutine (more information can be
    read from the perlfunc manpage). As soon as the first hook in @INC
    returns non-empty value then the search for source code is stopped.

    With "Require::HookChain", you can put multiple hooks in @INC that all
    get executed. When "use"'d, "Require::HookChain" will install its own
    hook at the beginning of @INC which will search for source code in @INC
    as well as execute "INC" method of all the other hooks which are
    instances of "Require::HookChain::*" class. Instead of filename, the
    method is passed a "Require::HookChain::r" object ($r). The method can
    do things on $r, for example retrieve source code via "$r->src" or
    modify source code via "$r->src($new_content)". After the method
    returns, the next "Require::HookChain::*" hook is executed, and so on.
    The final source code will be retrieved from "$r->src" and returned for

    This lets one chainable hook munge the result of the previous chainable

    To create your own chainable require hook, see example in "SYNOPSIS".
    First you create a module under the "Require::HookChain::*" namespace,
    then create a constructor as well as "INC" handler.

  Import options
    Options must be specified at the beginning, before specifying

    *   -end

        Bool. If set to true, then hooks will be put at the end of @INC
        instead of at the beginning (after Require::HookChain's own hook).
        Regardless, Require::HookChain's own hook will be put at the
        beginning to allow executing all the other hooks.

    *   -debug

        Bool. If set to true, then debug messages will be printed to stderr.

  Subnamespace organization
    *   Require::HookChain::debug::

        Hooks that do debugging-related stuffs. See also: "log::"
        subnamespace, "timestamp::" subnamespace.

    *   Require::HookChain::filter::

        Hooks that filter module loading due to some criteria. These hooks
        can fail a module being loaded even though the source is available,
        if the additional criteria are not met.

    *   Require::HookChain::log::

        Hooks that add logging to module loading process. See also:
        "debug::" subnamespace.

    *   Require::HookChain::munge::

        Hooks that modify source code.

    *   Require::HookChain::source::

        Hooks that allow loading module source from alternative sources.

    *   Require::HookChain::test::

        Testing-related, particularly testing the Require::HookCHain hook
        module itself.

    *   Require::HookChain::timestamp::

        Hooks that add timestamps during module loading process.

Require::HookChain::r OBJECT

     my $filename = $r->filename;


     my $src = $r->src;

    Get or set source code content. Will return undef if source code has not
    been found or set.

  Loading a hook does nothing!
    Make sure you use a hook this way:

     use Require::HookChain 'hookname'; # correct

    instead of:

     use Require::HookChain::hookname; # INCORRECT

    Please visit the project's homepage at

    Source repository is at

    RHC for convenience of using on the command-line or one-liners.

    perlancar <>

    To contribute, you can send patches by email/via RT, or send pull
    requests on GitHub.

    Most of the time, you don't need to build the distribution yourself. You
    can simply modify the code, then test via:

     % prove -l

    If you want to build the distribution (e.g. to try to install it locally
    on your system), you can install Dist::Zilla,
    Pod::Weaver::PluginBundle::Author::PERLANCAR, and sometimes one or two
    other Dist::Zilla- and/or Pod::Weaver plugins. Any additional steps
    required beyond that are considered a bug and can be reported to me.

    This software is copyright (c) 2023, 2022, 2020, 2017 by perlancar

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.

    Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website

    When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch
    to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.