Tie::TransactHash README

Tie::TransactHash is a package which provides facilities for easy
editing of any hash.  It allows changes to be made without affecting
the sequence of the hash, neither losing the current position, nor
changing the order of the elements.

Included is a program which allows direct editing of any of the
standard Berkley DB file types.  This is especially useful for
debugging programs which write to DB files.

It does this by acting as an overlay (It doesn't use Tie::Overlay) for
the other hash, storing its data in a Tie::IxHash.  It then commits
when told to or at destruction time, copying its data straight over
into the IxHash.

This software is BETA.  I will accept bug reports mailed to me.
Please put TransactHash in the subject (Michael De La Rue
<miked@ed.ac.uk>).  Reports with fixes (diff -ur) will get fixed, but
please explain what you are fixing and give an example.  Problems
without fixes will have to wait till I have time.

The module is distributed under the same terms as perl.

The program is distributed under the GNU public license, version 2 or
(at your choice) later.

If you use this stuff for something interesting a note would be nice.
Code contributions to the perl or free software community would be
even nicer.

	Michael De La Rue