SVN::Log::Index - Index and search over Subversion commit logs.

      my $index = SVN::Log::Index->new({ index_path => '/path/to/index' });

      if($creating) {    # Create from scratch if necessary
        $index->create({ repo_url => 'url://for/repo' });

      $index->open();    # And then open it

      # Now add revisions from the repo to the index
      $index->add({ start_rev => $start_rev,
                    end_rev   => $end_rev);

      # And query the index
      my $results = $index->search('query');

    SVN::Log::Index builds a Plucene index of commit logs from a Subversion
    repository and allows you to do arbitrary full text searches over it.

      # Creating a new index object
      my $index = SVN::Log::Index->new({index_path => '/path/to/index'});

    Create a new index object.

    The single argument is a hash ref. Currently only one key is valid.

        The path that contains (or will contain) the index files.

    This method prepares the object for use, but does not make any changes
    on disk.

      $index->create({ repo_url       => 'url://for/repo',
                       analyzer_class => 'Plucene::Analysis::Analyzer::Sub',
                       optimize_every => $num,
                       overwrite      => 1, # or 0

    This method creates a new index, in the "index_path" given when the
    object was created.

    The single argument is a hash ref, with the following possible keys.

        The URL for the Subversion repository that is going to be indexed.

        A string giving the name of the class that will analyse log message
        text and tokenise it. This should derive from the
        Plucene::Analysis::Analyzer class. SVN::Log::Index will call this
        class' "new()" method.

        Once an analyzer class has been chosen for an index it can not be
        changed without deleting the index and creating it afresh.

        The default value is "Plucene::Analysis::SimpleAnalyzer".

        Per the documentation for Plucene::Index::Writer, the index should
        be optimized to improve search performance.

        This is normally done after an application has finished adding
        documents to the index. However, if your application will be using
        the index while it's being updated you may wish the optimisation to
        be carried out periodically while the repository is still being

        If defined, the index will be optimized after every "optimize_every"
        revisions have been added to the index. The index is also optimized
        after the final revision has been added.

        So if "optimize_every" is given as 100, and you have requested that
        revisions 134 through 568 be indexed then the index will be
        optimized after adding revision 200, 300, 400, 500, and 568.

        The default value is 0, indicating that optimization should only be
        carried out after the final revision has been added.

        A boolean indicating whether or not a pre-existing index_path should
        be overwritten.

        Given this sequence;

          my $index = SVN::Log::Index->new({index_path => '/path'});
          $index->create({repo_url => 'url://for/repo'});

        The call to "create()" will fail if "/path" already exists.

        If "overwrite" is set to a true value then "/path" will be cleared.

    After creation the index directory will exist on disk, and a
    configuration file containing the create()-time parameters will be
    created in the index directory.

    Newly created indexes must still be opened.


    Opens the index, in preparation for adding or removing entries.

      $index->add ({ start_rev      => $start_rev,  # number, or 'HEAD'
                     end_rev        => $end_rev,    # number, or 'HEAD'
                     optimize_every => $num });

    Add one or more log messages to the index.

    The single argument is a hash ref, with the following possible keys.

        The first revision to add to the index. May be given as "HEAD" to
        mean the repository's most recent (youngest) revision.

        This key is mandatory.

        The last revision to add to the index. May be given as "HEAD" to
        mean the repository's most recent (youngest) revision.

        This key is optional. If not included then only the revision
        specified by "start_rev" will be indexed.

        Overrides the "optimize_every" value that was given in the
        "create()" call that created this index.

        This key is optional. If it is not included then the value used in
        the "create()" call is used. If it is included, and the value is
        "undef" then optimization will be disabled while these revisions are

        The index will still be optimized after the revisions have been

    Revisions from "start_rev" to "end_rev" are added inclusive. "start_rev"
    and "end_rev" may be given in ascending or descending order. Either:

      $index->add({ start_rev => 1, end_rev => 10 });


      $index->add({ start_rev => 10, end_rev => 1 });

    In both cases, revisons are indexed in ascending order, so revision 1,
    followed by revision 2, and so on, up to revision 10.

      my $rev = $index->get_last_indexed_rev();

    Returns the revision number that was most recently added to the index.

    Most useful in repeated calls to "add()".

      # Loop forever.  Every five minutes wake up, and add all newly
      # committed revisions to the index.
      while(1) {
        sleep 300;
        $index->add({ start_rev => $index->get_last_indexed_rev() + 1,
                      end_rev   => 'HEAD' });

    The last indexed revision number is saved as a property of the index.

      my $hits = $index->search ($query);

    Search for $query (which is parsed into a Plucene::Search::Query object
    by the Plucene::QueryParser module) in $index and return a reference to
    an array of hash references. Each hash reference points to a hash where
    the key is the field name and the value is the field value for this hit.

    The keys are:

        How relevant Plucene thought this result was, as a floating point

    url The URL of the repository that the index is for.

    revision, message, author, paths, date
        The revision number, log message, commit author, paths changed in
        the commit, and date of the commit, respectively.

    This module supports the Lucene query syntax, described in detail at
    <>. A brief
    overview follows.

    *   A query consists of one or more terms, joined with boolean

    *   A term is either a single word, or two or more words, enclosed in
        double quotes. So

          foo bar baz

        is a different query from

          "foo bar" baz

        The first searches for any of "foo", "bar", or "baz", the second
        searches for any of "foo bar", or "baz".

    *   By default, multiple terms in a query are OR'd together. You may
        also use "AND", or "NOT" between terms.

          foo AND bar
          foo NOT bar

        Use "+" before a term to indicate that it must appear, and "-"
        before a term to indicate that it must not appear.

          foo +bar
          -foo bar

    *   Use parantheses to control the ordering.

          (foo OR bar) AND baz

    *   Searches are conducted in *fields*. The default field to search is
        the log message. Other fields are indicated by placing the field
        name before the term, separating them both with a ":".

        Available fields are:


        For example, to find all commit messages where "nik" was the
        committer, that contained the string "foo bar":

          author:nik AND "foo bar"


    Please report any bugs or feature requests to
    "", or through the web interface at
    <>. I will
    be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on
    your bug as I make changes.

    The current maintainer is Nik Clayton, <>.

    The original author was Garrett Rooney, <>

    Copyright 2006 Nik Clayton. All Rights Reserved.

    Copyright 2004 Garrett Rooney. All Rights Reserved.

    This software is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.