QUICK DESCRIPTION Sybase::Xfer transfers data between two Sybase servers with multiple options like specifying a where_clause, a smart auto_delete option and can pump data from a perl sub or take a plain flat file. Has option, similiar to default behaviour in Sybase::BCP, to capture failed rows in a batch. Also comes with a command line wrapper, sybxfer. INSTALLATION (the usual) perl Makefile.PL [ LIB=<alternate installation> ] make make test make install DEPENDENCIES Requires Perl Version 5.005 or beyond Requires packages: Sybase::DBlib Getopt::Long Tie::IxHash SYNOPSIS #from perl #!/usr/bin/perl5.005 use Sybase::Xfer; $h = new Sybase::Xfer( %options ); $h->xfer(); $h->done(); #from shell #!/usr/ksh sybxfer <options> DESCRIPTION (a little bit from the pod) If you're in an environment with multiple servers and you don't want to use cross-server joins then this module may be worth a gander. It transfers data from one server to another server row-by-row in memory w/o using an intermediate file. To juice things up it can take data from any set of sql commands as long as the output of the sql matches the definition of the target table. And it can take data from a perl subroutine if you're into that. It also has some smarts to delete rows in the target table before the data is transferred by several methods. See the -truncate_flag, -delete_flag and -auto_delete switches. Everything is controlled by switch settings sent has a hash to the module. In essence one describes the from source and the to source and the module takes it from there. Error handling: An attempt was made to build in hooks for robust error reporting via perl callbacks. By default, it will print to stderr the data, the column names, and their datatypes upon error. This is especially useful when sybase reports attempt to load an oversized row warning message. Auto delete: More recently the code has been tweaked to handle the condition where data is bcp'ed into a table but the row already exists and the desired result to replace the row. Originally, the -delete_flag option was meant for this condition. ie. clean out the table via the -where_clause before the bcp in was to occur. If this is action is too drastic, however, by using the -auto_delete option one can be more precise and force only those rows about to be inserted to be deleted before the bcp in begins. It will bcp the 'key' information to a temp table, run a delete (in a loop so as not to blow any log space) via a join between the temp table and target table and then begin the bcp in. It's weird but in the right situation it may be exactly what you want. Typically used to manually replicate a table. CONTACTS my e-mail: stephen.sprague@msdw.com CHANGE LOG: ------------------------ Version .31 12-feb-2001 ------------------------ * Fixed sloppy bug left in v.30 where if @ARGV is empty it'd print a usage statment. Duh! That holds for the script sybxfer but it doesn't hold user written scripts. ------------------------ Version .30 11-feb-2001 ------------------------ Some promised mods. * New/modified switches as follows: -error_handling 'continue|abort|retry' added value 'retry'. Will behave like Sybase::BCP upon error on bcp_batch. In other words, set the batchsize to 1 and resend the data. Prints failed records to -error_data_file. (thanks to Michael Peppler for allowing me to raid his code.) -retry_max 'n' number of times to retry a failed bcp_batch. Default is three. -retry_deadlock_sleep 'sec' number of seconds to sleep between sending the bcp_batch again iff a deadlock error is detected. Default is 120. -callback_err_batch 'coderef' implemented it. Now users can modify the rows in the batch and request that xfer resend it or not. Default is Xfer's own routine that implements the most useful behaviour (hopefully.) -error_data_file | -edf <filename> contains records that failed to transfer in addition to source record number and Sybase erorr message for each record that failed. -from_file | -ff <filename> new source. Take the data from a flat file. Must be a delimited file. Steals a chapter from Sybase's bcp. -from_file_delimiter | -ffd <regex for delimiter> used inconjunction with with -from_file. The delimeter can be regular expression. (similiar to -t switch in Sybase's bcp) -holdlock if switch -from_table specified then this switch appends a 'holdlock' to internally generated select statement. -app_name <name> sets the program_name in master..sysprocesses table. Defaults to the script name. -delete_flag modified such that rows are deleted in -batchsize increments so the log doesn't get blown. * changed the final summary message slightly to report: 1) num rows read from source 2) num rows resent to target table (only if errors) 3) num rows failed to be transferred * if no args given it'll exit gracefully with a message to run perldoc