NAME WebService::Pokemon - Perl library for accessing the Pokémon data, SYNOPSIS use WebService::Pokemon; my $pokemon_api = WebService::Pokemon->new; # By id. my $pokemon = $pokemon_api->resource('berry', 1); # By name. my $pokemon = $pokemon_api->resource('berry', 'cheri'); DESCRIPTION WebService::Pokemon is a Perl client helper library for the Pokemon API ( DEVELOPMENT Source repository at How to contribute? Follow through the <> document to setup your development environment. METHODS new([%$args]) Construct a new WebService::Pokemon instance. Optionally takes a hash or hash reference. # Instantiate the class. my $pokemon_api = WebService::Pokemon->new; api_url The URL of the API resource. # Instantiate the class by setting the URL of the API endpoints. my $pokemon_api = WebService::Pokemon->new({api_url => ''}); # Or after the object was created. my $pokemon_api = WebService::Pokemon->new; $pokemon_api->api_url(''); autoload Set this if you want to expand all fields point to external URL. # Instantiate the class by setting the URL of the API endpoints. my $pokemon_api = WebService::Pokemon->new({autoload => 1}); # Or after the object was created. my $pokemon_api = WebService::Pokemon->new; $pokemon_api->autoload(1); $pokemon_api->resource('berry'); resource($resource, [$name], [$limit], [$offset]) Get the details of a particular resource with optional id or name; limit per page, or offset by the record list. # Get paginated list of available berry resource. my $berry = $pokemon_api->resource('berry'); # Or by page through limit and pagination. my $berry = $pokemon_api->resource('berry', undef, 60, 20); # Get by id. my $berry_firmness = $pokemon_api->resource('berry-firmnesses', 1); # Get by name. my $berry_firmness = $pokemon_api->resource('berry-firmnesses', 'very-soft'); resource_by_url($url) Get the details of a particular resource by full URL. # Get paginated list of available berry resource with default item size. my $berries = $pokemon_api->resource_by_url(''); # Get paginated list of available berry resource with explicit default item size. my $berries = $pokemon_api->resource_by_url(''); # Get particular berry resource. my $berry = $pokemon_api->resource_by_url(''); AUTHOR Kian Meng, Ang <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2018-2019 by Kian Meng, Ang. This is free software, licensed under: The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)