perl API for

This is perl interface for, Danish national email system. 

Included a simple POP server for proxying e-boks for read-only mail access
and a simple downloader.

You shall need your CPR# and password.
You can get the password from the e-Boks website. 
Here is a
on how to get it (in Danish).

For the POP3 login, the username is be your CPR code, such as f.ex: 0123456-7890.
The password is your mobile pincode.


* For windows, you'll need `perl`. Go to [strawberry perl]( and fetch one.

* Install this module by opening command line and typing `cpan Net::Eboks`.

One-time NemID registration

For each user, you will need to go through one-time registration through you
personal NemID signature. `eboks-authenticate` will start a small webserver on
`http://localhost:9999/`, where you will need to connect to with a browser.
There, it will ask for your CPR, your password (from e-boks Menu/Mobiladgang),
and will try to show a standard NemID window. You will need to log in there, in
the way you usually do, using either one-time pads or the NemID app, and then
confirm the request from eBoks. If that works, the script will register the
pseudo device Net-Eboks for future logins (you would see the device entry in
Menu/Mobiladgang/Aktiverede enheder; you can also disable it from there).

This step should be done only once per user, not per installation - after the
registration you can access eBoks from any server that has this module installed.

**Security note**: *No data is stored on the computer in the process, the only record is stored
on the eBoks server itself*.

Also, there are no specific security concerns others than the usual suspects
when one logs into NemID. To be extra paranoid though, use only two-factor
authentication through NemID app, not through one-time pads, as the app shows
who is the issuer of the login request when asking for its confirmation.  Make
sure the requestor is eBoks, not your bank :)


Download your mails as a mailbox

Note: You probably don't need it, this script is mostly for testing that the access works.

On command line, type `eboks-dump`, enter your passwords, and wait until it downloads
all into eboks.mbox. Use your favourite mail agent to read it.

Use as a POP3 server

You may want this setup if you don't have a dedicated server, or don't want
to spam your mail by eBoks. You can run everything on a single desktop.

1) On command line, type `eboks2pop`

2) Connect your mail client to POP3 server at localhost, where username is
your CPR code such as f.ex: 0123456-7890 and password is your mobile pincode.

Use on mail server

This is the setup I use on my own remote server, where I connect to using
email clients to read my mail.

1) Create a startup script, f.ex. for FreeBSD see `example/eboks2pop.freebsd`,
and for Debian/Ubuntu see `examples/eboks2pop.debian`

2) Install *procmail* and *fetchmail*. Look into `example/procmailrc.local` and
and `examples/fetchmail` (the latter needs to have permissions 0600). 

3) Add a cron job f.ex.

`  2       2       *       *       *       /usr/local/bin/fetchmail > /dev/null 2>&1`

to fetch mails once a day. Only new mails will be fetched. This will also work for 
more than one user.

Automated forwarding

You might want just to forward your eBoks messages to your mail address.  The
setup is basically same as in previous section, but see
`examples/procmailrc.forward.simple` instead.

The problem you might encounter is that the module generates mails as
originated from `` and f.ex. Gmail won't accept that due to
[SPF]( See if rewriting
the sender as in `examples/procmail.forward.srs` helps.

Use on Windows desktop

1) Assuming you have installed strawberry perl and the module, open command line and run


that will copy `eboks2pop` shortcut into your Startup folder. You can run it either
by going there and starting it manually, or again by running 

  `eboks-install-win32 start`

from command line.

2) Set up your favourite desktop mail reader so it connects to a POP3 server
running on server localhost, port 8110. Username and password are your CPR# and
eBoks mobile password.

3) Optionally, if you want to forward the mails, you can choose from numerous
programs that can forward mails from a POP3 server to another mail account
[(list of
If you use Outlook it [can do that
