Data::Password::passwdqc - Check password strength and generate password
    using passwdqc

      use Data::Password::passwdqc;

      my $pwdqc = Data::Password::passwdqc->new;
      print 'OK' if $pwdqc->validate_password('arrive+greece7glove');

      my $is_valid = $pwdqc->validate_password('new password', '0ld+pas$w0rd');
      print 'Bad password: ' . $pwdqc->reason if not $is_valid;

      my $password = $pwdqc->generate_password;

    Data::Password::passwdqc provides an object oriented Perl interface to
    Openwall Project's passwdqc. It allows you to check password strength
    and also lets you generate quality controllable random password.

    *min [Int0, Int1, Int2, Int3, Int4]*
        Defaults to "[undef, 24, 11, 8, 7]".

        The minimum allowed password lengths for different kinds of
        passwords and passphrases. "undef" can be used to disallow passwords
        of a given kind regardless of their length. Each subsequent number
        is required to be no larger than the preceding one.

        Int0 is used for passwords consisting of characters from one
        character class only. The character classes are: digits, lower-case
        letters, upper-case letters, and other characters. There is also a
        special class for non-ASCII characters, which could not be
        classified, but are assumed to be non-digits.

        Int1 is used for passwords consisting of characters from two
        character classes that do not meet the requirements for a

        Int2 is used for passphrases. Note that besides meeting this length
        requirement, a passphrase must also consist of a sufficient number
        of words (see the "passphrase_words" option below).

        Int3 and Int4 are used for passwords consisting of characters from
        three and four character classes, respectively.

        When calculating the number of character classes, upper-case letters
        used as the first character and digits used as the last character of
        a password are not counted.

        In addition to being sufficiently long, passwords are required to
        contain enough different characters for the character classes and
        the minimum length they have been checked against.

    *max Int*
        Defaults to 40.

        The maximum allowed password length. This can be used to prevent
        users from setting passwords that may be too long for some system

        The value 8 is treated specially: with "max=8", passwords longer
        than 8 characters will not be rejected, but will be truncated to 8
        characters for the strength checks and the user will be warned. This
        is to be used with the traditional DES-based password hashes, which
        truncate the password at 8 characters.

        It is important that you do set "max=8" if you are using the
        traditional hashes, or some weak passwords will pass the checks.

    *passphrase_words Int*
        Defaults to 3.

        The number of words required for a passphrase, or 0 to disable the
        support for user-chosen passphrases.

    *match_length Int*
        Defaults to 4.

        The length of common substring required to conclude that a password
        is at least partially based on information found in a character
        string, or 0 to disable the substring search. Note that the password
        will not be rejected once a weak substring is found; it will instead
        be subjected to the usual strength requirements with the weak
        substring partially discounted.

        The substring search is case-insensitive and is able to detect and
        remove a common substring spelled backwards.

    *random_bits Int*
        Defaults to 47.

        The size of randomly-generated passphrases in bits (24 to 85), or 0
        to disable this feature.

          $is_valid = $pwdqc->validate_password('new password');
          $is_valid = $pwdqc->validate_password('new password', 'old password');
          $is_valid = $pwdqc->validate_password('new password', 'old password', 'username');
          $is_valid = $pwdqc->validate_password('new password', 'old password', 'username', 'real name');
          print $pwdqc->reason if not $is_valid;

        Checks passphrase quality. Returns a true value on success. If the
        check fails, it returns a false value and sets "reason".

          my $password = $pwdqc->generate_password;

        Generates a random passphrase. Throws an exception if passphrase
        cannot be generated.

    Sherwin Daganato <>

    The copy of passwdqc bundled with this module was written by Solar
    Designer and Dmitry V. Levin.

    dhardison: Dylan William Hardison <>

    srezic: Slaven Rezic <>

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.
