ex::constant::vars - Perl pragma to create readonly variables


  Shell> gunzip ex-constant-vars-0.01.tar.gz
  Shell> tar -xvf ex-constant-vars-0.01.tar
  Shell> cd ex-constant-vars-0.01
  Shell> perl Makefile.PL
  Shell> make
  Shell> make test
  Shell> make install

    Using the "tie()" interface:

      use ex::constant::vars;
      tie my $pi,     'ex::constant::vars', 4 * atan2( 1, 1 );
      tie my @family, 'ex::constant::vars', qw( John Jane );
      tie my %age,    'ex::constant::vars', John => 27,
                                            Jane => 'Back off!';

    Using the "const()" function:

      use ex::constant::vars 'const';
      const SCALAR my $pi,     4 * atan2( 1, 1 );
      const ARRAY  my @family, qw( John Jane );
      const HASH   my %age,    John => 27, Jane => 'Back off!';

    Using "import()" for compile time creation:

      use ex::constant::vars (
        '$pi'     => 4 * atan2( 1, 1 ),
        '@family' => [ qw( John Jane ) ],
        '%age'    => { John => 27, Jane => 'Back off!' },

    This package allows you to create readonly variables.

            Casey R. Tweten, <>

            Copyright (c) 2000 Casey R. Tweten. All rights reserved.
            This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
            modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.