Oracle/Sqlldr version 0.13 ========================== Oracle::Sqlldr - Perl wrapper around Oracle's sqlldr utility. Oracle::Sqlldr is an object-oriented class that provides a convenient Perl wrapper around Oracle's sqlldr utility. SQL*Loader (I<sqlldr>) is the utility to use for high performance data loading from a text file into a an Oracle database. #!/usr/local/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Oracle::Sqlldr; my $sqlldr = Oracle::Sqlldr->new(-db=>'thedb'); $sqlldr->warnings(-status=>'on'); $sqlldr->table(-name=>'animals'); $sqlldr->user(-name=>'scott'); $sqlldr->pass(-word=>'tiger'); $sqlldr->fieldsterminatedby(-symbol=>','); $sqlldr->datafile(-file=>'animals.dat'); $sqlldr->controlfile(-file=>'animals.ctr'); $sqlldr->logfile(-file=>'animals.log'); $sqlldr->badfile(-file=>'animals.bad'); $sqlldr->discardfile(-file=>'animals.dis'); $sqlldr->create_controlfile() or die "cannot create the controlfile"; $sqlldr->write_controlfile() or die "cannot write controlfile"; my $r = $sqlldr->execute() or die "cannot execute sqlldr"; print "output from Oracle::Sqlldr: $r\n"; INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install DEPENDENCIES Perl Oracle client COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Released under the same terms as Perl. Copyright (C) 2005 Andrew McGregor