NAME Net::DNS::Async::Simple - A simple wrapper around the excellent Net::DNS::Async SYNOPSIS use Net::DNS::Async::Simple; use Test::More; my $list = [ { query => ['','A'], },{ query => ['','PTR'], useResolvers => ['',''] } ]; Net::DNS::Async::Simple::massDNSLookup($list); ok $list->[0]->{address} eq '', 'forward lookup worked'; ok $list->[1]->{ptrdname} eq '', 'reverse lookup worked'; DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONS massDNSLookup($list, %extraArgs); Takes one required argument, which is an ARRAY reference, each entry contains a HASH reference containing at least a 'query' attribute, which is itself an ARRAY reference. These arguments end up being passed into a Net::DNS::Resolver::query call, the semantics of which depend on the specific kind of DNS record being looked up. For more record types, the first query argument is the 'key' (for A records, the name to be looked up, for example) and the second query argument is the type of DNS record. The results of the DNS query are added to the appropriate HASH reference, using the same keys that come back from response, as a Net::DNS::Packet object. For A records, this will populate the 'name' and 'address' fields. PTR will populate the 'ptrdname' field. This function will never throw an exception, nor does it return anything useful. Timeouts and errors will be added to the individual HASH references as appropriate. %extraArgs is optional. timeout Will force this function to return in no more than this many seconds. TODO BUGS None known. AUTHOR Dana M. Diederich <> COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2016 Dana M. Diederich. All Rights Reserved. This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License (see POD ERRORS Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below: Around line 50: '=item' outside of any '=over' Around line 55: You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'