NAME Lingua::pt_BR::Nums2Words - Takes a number and gives back its written form in Brazilian Portuguese SYNOPSIS use Lingua::pt_BR::Nums2Words ('num2word'); print num2word(91) # prints 'noventa e um' print num2word('19') # prints 'dezenove' print num2word(1000) # prints 'mil' print num2word(1001) # prints 'mil e um' print num2word(1_001_001) # prints 'um milhão, mil e um' print num2word(1_001_250) # prints 'um milhão, mil duzentos e cinquenta' DESCRIPTION Takes a number and gives back its written form in Brazilian Portuguese. Note: 1000 will produce 'mil', and not 'um mil'. METHODS num2word( $number ) Receives a number and returns it written in words. my $written_number = nums2words(991); print $written_number # prints 'novecentos e noventa e um' INTERNALS These methods should not be used directly (unless you know what you're doing). They are documented here just for the sake of completeness. _make_triads( $number ) Receives a number, splits it in triads (according to the following examples) and returns a list of triads. Examples: 123 turns to the list (123). 12345 turns to the list (12, 345). 1234567 turns to the list (1, 234, 567). _solve_triads( @triads ) Receives a list of triads, calls the function _solve_triad in each of them and apply the "megas" (millions, billions, trillions). _solve_triad( $number ) Receives a number with one to three digits (a triad) and returns it written in words. SEE ALSO Lingua::PT::Nums2Words for pt_PT Portuguese. AUTHOR Gil Magno <> THANKS TO Italo Gonçales (cpan:GONCALES) <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2015 by Gil Magno This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.20.1 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.