The file is the README for WWw::Velib version 0.04 INSTALLATION perl Makefile.PL make make test make install TESTING This module requires the following module for thorough testing: Test::More If the PERL_AUTHOR_TESTING environment variable is set to a true value, the following optional test modules may be used to test the POD. Test::Pod Test::Pod::Coverage ADVANCED TESTING To test the module against the live Velib server the following environment variables may be set: PERL_TESTING_WWW_VELIB_LOGIN=<your login number> PERL_TESTING_WWW_VELIB_PIN=<your pin> UNINSTALLATION This is a pure-Perl module. The following one-liner should print out the canonical path of the file: perl -MWWW::Velib -le 'print $INC{"WWW/"}' Just delete this file. There is also the question of the man page. Finding that is left as an exercise to the reader, as is the removal of WWW::Velib::{Map,Station,Trip}. USAGE use WWW::Velib; my $v = WWW::Velib->new(login => '0000123456', password => '1234'); print "You have made ", $v->trips, " this month\n"; for my $t ($v->detail) { print "$t->{date} from $t->{from} to $t->{to}\n"; } STATUS This module is under active development. AUTHOR David Landgren COPYRIGHT This module is copyright (C) David Landgren 2007. All rights reserved. LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.