NAME Image::DecodeQR::WeChat - Decode QR code(s) from images using the OpenCV/WeChat library via XS VERSION Version 0.01 SYNOPSIS # this ensures that both input params can contain utf8 strings # but also results (somehow but beyond me) use utf8; use Image::DecodeQR::WeChat; # this will be fixed, right now params are hardoded in XS code my $payloads = Image::DecodeQR::WeChat::decode_xs( # the input image containing one or more QR-codes 'an-input-image.png', # the dir with model parameters required by the library. # These come with this package and are curtesy of WeChat # which is part of OpenCV contrib packages # They are installed with this package and their default location # is given by Image::DecodeQR::WeChat::modelsdir() # Alternatively, specify your own model files: Image::DecodeQR::WeChat::modelsdir(), # outbase for all output files, optional # if more than one QR-codes were detected then an index will # be appended to the filename. And there will be png image files # containing the portion of the image which was detected # and there will be txt files with QR-code text (payload) # and its bounding box. And there will be an overall # text file with all payloads. This last one will be # printed to STDOUT if no outbase was specified: 'output.detected', # verbosity level. 0:mute, 1:C code messages, 10:C+XS code 10, # display results in a window with QR codes found highlighted # make sure you have an interactive shell and GUI 1, # dump image and metadata to files for each QR code detected # only if outbase was specified 1, ); die "failed" unless $payloads; print "Payload got: $_\n" for (@$payloads); # The above decode_xs() expects all parameters to be present # while decode() below takes a hash of params and fills the # missing params with defaults. Then it calls decode_xs() # So, it is still calling XS code but via a Perl sub # The important bit is that the modelsdir is filled in automatically # rather than the user looking for it my $payloads = Image::DecodeQR::WeChat::decode({ # these are required 'input' => 'input.jpg', 'outbase' => 'outs', # these are optional and have defaults #'modelsdir' => '...', # use it only if you have your own models #'verbosity' => 0, #'graphicaldisplayresult'' => 0, #'dumpqrimagestofile' => 0, }); die "failed" unless $payloads; print "Payload got: $_\n" for (@$payloads); This code calls functions and methods from OpenCV/WeChat library (written in C++) for decoding one or more QR codes found embedded in images. It's just that: a very thin wrapper of a C++ library written in XS. It only interfaces the OpenCV/WeChat library for QR code decoding. It can detect multiple QR codes embeded in a single image. And has been successfully tested with as small sizes as 55 x 55 px. The payload(s) (the QR-code's text) are returned back as an ARRAYref. Optionally, it can output the portion of the input image corresponding to each QR-code, its bounding box and the payload in separate files, useful for debugging and identification when multiple QR codes exist in a single input image. Following this code as an example, it will be trivial to interface other parts of the OpenCV library: Ιδού πεδίον δόξης λαμπρόν (behold a glorious field of glory) EXPORT decode() decode_xs() modelsdir() SUBROUTINES/METHODS Image::DecodeQR::WeChat::decode_xs(infile, modelsdir, outbase, verbosity, graphicaldisplayresult, dumpqrimagestofile) It takes in the filename of an input image which may contain one or more QR codes and returns back an ARRAYref of strings containing all the payloads of the codes which have successfully been decoded (some QR codes may fail to be decoded because of resolution or quality etc.) It returns undef on failure. It returns an empty ARRAYref (i.e. a ref to an empty array) if no QR codes were found or decoded successfully. These are the parameters it requires. They must all be present, with optinal parameters allowed to be undef: infile : the input image with zero or more QR codes. All the image formats of OpenCV's|imread() are supported. modelsdir : the location of the directory holding all model files (CNN trained models) required for QR code detection. These models are already included with this package and will be installed in a shared dir during installation. Their total size is about 1MB. They have been kindly contributed by WeChat along with their library for QR Code detection. They can be found|here. The installed models location is returned by modelsdir(). If you do not want to experiment with your own models then just plug the output of modelsdir() to this parameter, else specify your own. outbase : optionally specify output files basename which will contain detected QR-codes' payloads, bounding boxes and QR-code images extracted from the input image (one set of files for each QR-code detected). If dumpqrimagestofile is set to 1 all the aforementioned files will be created. If it is set to 0 then only the payloads will be saved in a single file (all in one file). If outbase is left undef then nothing is written to a file. As usual all detected codes' data is returned back via the returned value of decode_xs(). verbosity levels: 0 is mute, 1 is only for C code, 10 is for C+XS code. graphicaldisplayresult : if set to 1, it will display a window with the input image and the detected QR-code(s) outlined. dumpqrimagestofile : if set to 0, and outbase is specified, then all payloads are written to a single file using the basename specified. If set to 1 a lot more information is written to separate files, one for each detected code. This is mainly for debugging purposes because the returned value contains the payloads and their corresponding QR-codes' bounding boxes. See outbase above. Image::DecodeQR::WeChat::decode_xs(\%params) This is a Perl wrapper to the decode_xs() so that user can specify only a minimal set of parameters and the will be filled in by defaults. Like decode_xs(), it returns undef on failure. It returns an empty ARRAYref (i.e. a ref to an empty array) if no QR codes were found or decoded successfully. The params hashref: input : the name of the input image file which can contain one or more QR codes. outbase : optional, if specified payloads (QR-code text) will be dumped to a text file. If further, dumpqrimagestofile is set to 1 then image files with the detected QR-codes will be dumped one for each QR-code as well as text files with payloads and bounding boxes wrt the input imaghe. modelsdir : optional, use it only if you want to use your own model files (for their format have a look at, they are CNN training files). This package has included the model files kindly submitted by WeChat as a contribution to OpenCV and will be installed in your system with all other files. Use modelsdir() to see the location of installed model files. Their total size is about 1MB. verbosity : default is 0 which is muted. 1 is for verbose C code and 10 is for verbose C and XS code. dumpqrimagestofile : default is 0, set to 1 to have lots of image and text files dumped (relative to outbase) for each QR code detected. graphicaldisplayresult : default is 0, set to 1 to have a window popping up with the input image and the QR-code detected highlighted, once for each code detected. Image::DecodeQR::WeChat::modelsdir() Return the path where the models included in this package have been installed. This is useful when you want to use decode_xs() and need to specify the modelsdir. Just pass the output of this to it. IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS This code demonstrates how to call OpenCV (modern OpenCV v4) C++ methods using the technique suggested by Botje @ #perl in order to avoid all the function, macro, data structures name clashes between Perl and OpenCV (for example seed(), do_open(), do_close() and most notably struct cv and namespace cv in Perl and OpenCV respectively). The trick suggested is to put all the OpenCV-calling code in a separate C++ file and provide high-level functions to be called by XS. So that the XS code does not see any OpenCV header files. Makefile.PL will happily compile any .c and/or .cpp files found in the dir it resides by placing OBJECT => '$(O_FILES)' in %WriteMakefileArgs. And will have no problems with specifying also these: CC => 'g++', LD => 'g++', XSOPT => '-C++', With one caveat, g++ compiler will mangle the names of the functions when placing them in the object files. And that will cause XSLoader to report missing and undefined symbols. The cure to this is to wrap any function you want to remain unmangled within #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif and #ifdef __cplusplus } //extern "C" { #endif This only need happen in the header file: wechat_qr_decode_lib.hpp . INSTALLING OpenCV In my case downloading OpenCV using Linux's package manager was not successful.It required to add another repository which wanted to install its own versions of packages I already had. Download OpenCV sources and also its contributed modules. Extract the sources and changed to the source dir. From within the source dir extract the contrib archive. Create a build dir and change to it. There are two ways to make cmake just tolerable: cmake-gui and ccmake. The former is a full-gui interface to setting the billion cmake variables. Use it if you are on a machine which offers a GUI: cmake-gui .. . If you are on a remote host possibly over telnet or ssh then do not despair because c is the CLI, curses-based equivalent to cmake-gui, use it like: ccmake .. . Once on the interface first configure, then check the list of all variables (you can search on both, for searching in the CLI one press / and then n for next hit) to suit you and then generate, quit and VERBOSE=1 make -j4 all I guess, variables you want to change are OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH and OPENCV_ENABLE_NONFREE and anything that has to do with CNN or DNN. But I only guess. AUTHOR Andreas Hadjiprocopis, BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-image-decodeqr-wechat at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Image::DecodeQR::WeChat You can also look for information at: * RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here) * CPAN Ratings * Search CPAN ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The great Open Source|OpenCV image processing library and its contributed module which form the backbone of this module and do all the heavy lifting. Botje and xenu at #perl for help. Jiro Nishiguchi ( ) whose (obsolete with modern - at the time of writing - OpenCV) module Image::DecodeQR serves as the skeleton for this module. Thank you! to all those who responded to this SO question LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT This software is Copyright (c) 2022 by Andreas Hadjiprocopis. This is free software, licensed under: The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible) HUGS !Almaz! POD ERRORS Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below: Around line 164: You forgot a '=back' before '=head2' Around line 287: You forgot a '=back' before '=head1' You forgot a '=back' before '=head1' Around line 328: alternative text '' contains non-escaped | or / Around line 334: alternative text ' ' contains non-escaped | or /