use Type::Tiny;
        use Type::Tiny::Signatures;
        method hello (Str $greeting, Str $fullname) {
            print "$greeting, $fullname\n";


    This module uses Function::Parameters to extends Perl with keywords
    that let you define methods and functions with parameter lists which
    can be validated using Type::Tiny type constraints. The type
    constraints can be provided by the Type::Tiny standard library,
    Types::Standard, or any supported user-defined type library which can
    be a Moose, MooseX::Type, MouseX::Type, or Type::Library library.

        use Type::Tiny;
        use Type::Tiny::Signatures qw(MyApp::Types);
        method identify (Str $name, SSN $number) {
            print "identifying $name using SSN $number\n";

    The method and function signatures can be configured to validate
    user-defined type constraints by passing the user-defined type library
    package name as an argument to the Type::Tiny::Signatures usage
    declaration. The default behavior configures the Function::Parameters
    pragma using its defaults, i.e. strict-mode disabled. Please note, you
    can pass all the acceptable Function::Parameters import options to the
    Type::Tiny::Signatures usage declaration to configure the underlying
    Function::Parameters pragma to suit your needs.

        use Type::Tiny;
        use Type::Tiny::Signatures ':strict' => qw(MyApp::Types);
        method identify (Str $name, SSN $number) {
            print "identifying $name using SSN $number\n";