NAME Data::Object::Opts ABSTRACT Opts Class for Perl 5 SYNOPSIS package main; use Data::Object::Opts; my $opts = Data::Object::Opts->new( args => ['--resource', 'users', '--help'], spec => ['resource|r=s', 'help|h'], named => { method => 'resource' } # optional ); # $opts->method; # $resource # $opts->get('resource'); # $resource # $opts->help; # $help # $opts->get('help'); # $help DESCRIPTION This package provides methods for accessing command-line arguments. INTEGRATES This package integrates behaviors from: Data::Object::Role::Buildable Data::Object::Role::Proxyable Data::Object::Role::Stashable LIBRARIES This package uses type constraints from: Types::Standard ATTRIBUTES This package has the following attributes: args args(ArrayRef[Str]) This attribute is read-only, accepts (ArrayRef[Str]) values, and is optional. named named(HashRef) This attribute is read-only, accepts (HashRef) values, and is optional. spec spec(ArrayRef[Str]) This attribute is read-only, accepts (ArrayRef[Str]) values, and is optional. METHODS This package implements the following methods: exists exists(Str $key) : Any The exists method takes a name or index and returns truthy if an associated value exists. exists example #1 # given: synopsis $opts->exists('resource'); # truthy exists example #2 # given: synopsis $opts->exists('method'); # truthy exists example #3 # given: synopsis $opts->exists('resources'); # falsy get get(Str $key) : Any The get method takes a name or index and returns the associated value. get example #1 # given: synopsis $opts->get('resource'); # users get example #2 # given: synopsis $opts->get('method'); # users get example #3 # given: synopsis $opts->get('resources'); # undef name name(Str $key) : Any The name method takes a name or index and returns index if the the associated value exists. name example #1 # given: synopsis $opts->name('resource'); # resource name example #2 # given: synopsis $opts->name('method'); # resource name example #3 # given: synopsis $opts->name('resources'); # undef parse parse(Maybe[ArrayRef] $config) : HashRef The parse method optionally takes additional Getopt::Long parser configuration options and retuns the options found based on the object args and spec values. parse example #1 # given: synopsis $opts->parse; parse example #2 # given: synopsis $opts->parse(['bundling']); set set(Str $key, Maybe[Any] $value) : Any The set method takes a name or index and sets the value provided if the associated argument exists. set example #1 # given: synopsis $opts->set('method', 'people'); # people set example #2 # given: synopsis $opts->set('resource', 'people'); # people set example #3 # given: synopsis $opts->set('resources', 'people'); # undef # is not set stashed stashed() : HashRef The stashed method returns the stashed data associated with the object. stashed example #1 # given: synopsis $opts->stashed; warned warned() : Num The warned method returns the number of warnings emitted during option parsing. warned example #1 package main; use Data::Object::Opts; my $opts = Data::Object::Opts->new( args => ['-vh'], spec => ['verbose|v', 'help|h'] ); $opts->warned; warnings warnings() : ArrayRef[ArrayRef[Str]] The warnings method returns the set of warnings emitted during option parsing. warnings example #1 package main; use Data::Object::Opts; my $opts = Data::Object::Opts->new( args => ['-vh'], spec => ['verbose|v', 'help|h'] ); $opts->warnings; AUTHOR Al Newkirk, LICENSE Copyright (C) 2011-2019, Al Newkirk, et al. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the The Apache License, Version 2.0, as elucidated in the "license file" <>. PROJECT Wiki <> Project <> Initiatives <> Milestones <> Contributing <> Issues <>