This document describes the procedure for the installing the
CGI::Application::Framework (CAF), a fully-featured web application
development platform built on CGI::Application.

The INSTALL.txt document tells you how to install the CAF.

The other documentation is in POD format:

    CGI::Application::Framework - general docs
    Examples.pod                - guide to the Example apps

You can read these documents online in HTML format by visiting:

The docs are also available onlin at the CAF web site:

CGI::Application::Framework was originally developed by Richard Dice under the 
name CGI::Application::MVCFramework and under the generous auspices of LPI, the
Linux Professional Institute (  Many thanks to G. Matthew Rice
and Rick Delaney at LPI for their support and encouragement througout the whole
project, technical and otherwise.

Since then, the package has been massively reworked by Michael Graham, and renamed
to CGI::Application::Framework.

After several months of post-YAPC::NA 2005 burn-out (Richard and Michael were/are
two of the key organizers of the conference production team) we finally
got our collective butts in gear and got the package finally ready for
"alpha quality general release" to CPAN.  Share - and enjoy!

Copyright - Richard Dice,

License - you may use this package freely and distribute it under the same terms as
=======   Perl itself. (I.e. Artistic License and/or GNU GPL.)