Template::Plugin::EnvHash - Environment Variable Hash for TT2

     [% USE env = EnvHash %]
     [% env.SOME_ENV_VAR %]

    This is a trivial Template::Toolkit plugin to allow any template writer
    to suck environment variables into their template. I wrote it because i
    was sick of passing %ENV as one of the contents of the vars hash that i
    pass to the process method of Template.

    I've named this module EnvHash rather than Env because most
    Template::Plugin::X modules are wrappers around module X. Whereas this
    is *not* a wrapper around Perl's Env module. This is because the purpose
    of that module is to export environment variables into a package. I did
    not want to export environment variables into my template as environment
    variables as most environment variables tend to have capitalised names
    (by popular convention) and this might cause confusion with the tt2
    style of using capitalised words for its control structure syntax.

    Of course someone else might come along and not care about this, so i
    leave Template::Plugin::Env free for such a person.

    As well as this being a useful module for sucking in standard
    environment variables it also allows you to configure template via the

    Some might say using the environment variables to configure your
    template is dangerous, and in an *uncontrolled environment* i would
    agree. However if you have a *controlled* environment it can be
    incredibly useful. Say for example you quickly want to fire your usual
    apache server, but on a different port (perhaps because u want to test
    two sets of changes simultaneous, or perhaps just because someone else
    is using that port). Then using an environment variable to pass the port
    number can be quick dirty and useful.

    Config files are generally better in the long run for most things, but
    as i say it can be useful in a *controlled* environment.

    This module uses Module::Build for its installation. To install this
    module type the following:

      perl Build.PL
      ./Build test
      ./Build install

    If you do not have Module::Build type:

      perl Makefile.PL

    to fetch it. Or use CPAN or CPANPLUS and fetch it "manually".

    The curernt implementation simply blesses %ENV. This causes a problem
    for the environment variable $VERSION as this gets overwritten by the
    module's own $VERSION. I will change the implementation at some point,
    but do feel free to email me and hurry me along if this is stopping you
    from being able to use this module

    To report a bug or request an enhancement use CPAN's excellent Request

    This source is part of a SourceForge project which always has the latest
    sources in svn.

    Sagar R. Shah

    Copyright 2003-2007, Sagar R. Shah, All rights reserved

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.