
Apache::AuthCookieDBIRadius is a module that subclasses Apache::AuthCookie 
and is designed to be directly used for authentication in a mod_perl 

It is a ticket-issuing system that looks up username/passwords in a DBI
database using generic SQL and issues MD5-checksummed tickets valid for
a configurable time period.  Incoming requests with tickets are
checksummed and expire-time checked.

Upon failure, it then checks a Radius server for authentication.
You do not need to run a Radius server to use this.  Actually, 
Radius authentication is commented out by default.  Uncomment the
Radius lines in AuthCookieDBIRadius.pm if you intend to use this method
along with a DBI database.  Most won't be using this method.  You'll need to 
get Radius authentication working first before using AuthCookieDBIRadius.
See Apache-AuthenRadius and Authen::Radius and http://www.funk.com/radius/.

Included is a sample httpd.conf and login.pl for your review. 

Also included is a customized AuthCookie.pm.  Replace with your existing 
AuthCookie.pm for added customized error messages and the added $TICKET 
environmental variable.    

It is currently in production at http://www.s1te.com/secure/.