NAME Mojo::IRC - IRC Client for the Mojo IOLoop VERSION 0.44 SYNOPSIS my $irc = Mojo::IRC->new( nick => 'test123', user => 'my name', server => '', ); $irc->on(irc_join => sub { my($self, $message) = @_; warn "yay! i joined $message->{params}[0]"; }); $irc->on(irc_privmsg => sub { my($self, $message) = @_; say $message->{prefix}, " said: ", $message->{params}[1]; }); $irc->connect(sub { my($irc, $err) = @_; return warn $err if $err; $irc->write(join => '#mojo'); }); Mojo::IOLoop->start; DESCRIPTION Mojo::IRC is a non-blocking IRC client using Mojo::IOLoop from the wonderful Mojolicious framework. It features IPv6 and TLS, with additional optional modules: IO::Socket::IP and IO::Socket::SSL. By default this module will only emit standard IRC events, but by settings "parser" to a custom object it will also emit CTCP events. Example: my $irc = Mojo::IRC->new; $irc->parser(Parse::IRC->new(ctcp => 1); $irc->on(ctcp_action => sub { # ... }); It will also set up some default events: "ctcp_ping", "ctcp_time", and "ctcp_version". This class inherits from Mojo::EventEmitter. TESTING The module Test::Mojo::IRC is useful if you want to write tests without having a running IRC server. MOJO_IRC_OFFLINE (from v0.20) is now DEPRECATED in favor of Test::Mojo::IRC. EVENTS close $self->on(close => sub { my ($self) = @_; }); Emitted once the connection to the server closes. error $self->on(error => sub { my ($self, $err) = @_; }); Emitted once the stream emits an error. message $self->on(message => sub { my ($self, $msg) = @_; }); Emitted when a new IRC message arrives. Will dispatch to a default handler, which will again emit "err_event_name" "ctcp_event_name" and "irc_event_name" below. Here is an example $msg: { command => "PRIVMSG", event => "privmsg", params => ["#convos", "hey!"], prefix => "jan_henning", raw_line => ":jan_henning PRIVMSG #convos :hey", } err_event_name Events that start with "err_" are emitted when there is an IRC response that indicates an error. See Mojo::IRC::Events for sample events. ctcp_event_name Events that start with "ctcp_" are emitted if the "parser" can understand CTCP messages, and there is a CTCP response. $self->parser(Parse::IRC->new(ctcp => 1); See Mojo::IRC::Events for sample events. irc_event_name Events that start with "irc_" are emitted when there is a normal IRC response. See Mojo::IRC::Events for sample events. ATTRIBUTES connect_timeout $int = $self->connect_timeout; $self = $self->connect_timeout(60); Maximum amount of time in seconds establishing a connection may take before getting canceled, defaults to the value of the "MOJO_IRC_CONNECT_TIMEOUT" environment variable or 30. ioloop Holds an instance of Mojo::IOLoop. local_address $str = $self->local_address; $self = $self->local_address(""); Local address to bind to. See "local_address" in Mojo::IOLoop::Client. name The name of this IRC client. Defaults to "Mojo IRC". nick IRC nick name accessor. Default to "user". parser $self = $self->parser($obj); $self = $self->parser(Parse::IRC->new(ctcp => 1)); $obj = $self->parser; Holds a Parse::IRC object by default. pass Password for authentication real_host Will be set by "irc_rpl_welcome". Holds the actual hostname of the IRC server that we are connected to. server Server name and, optionally, a port to connect to. Changing this while connected to the IRC server will issue a reconnect. server_settings $hash = $self->server_settings; Holds information about the server. See <> for example data structure. Note that this attribute is EXPERIMENTAL and the structure of the values it holds. user IRC username. Defaults to current logged in user or falls back to "anonymous". tls $self->tls(undef) # disable (default) $self->tls({}) # enable Default is "undef" which disables TLS. Setting this to an empty hash will enable TLS and this module will load in default certs. It is also possible to set custom cert/key: $self->tls({ cert => "/path/to/client.crt", key => ... }) This can be generated using # certtool --generate-privkey --outfile client.key # certtool --generate-self-signed --load-privkey client.key --outfile client.crt METHODS connect $self = $self->connect(\&callback); Will log in to the IRC "server" and call &callback. The &callback will be called once connected or if connect fails. The second argument will be an error message or empty string on success. ctcp $str = $self->ctcp(@str); This message will quote CTCP messages. Example: $self->write(PRIVMSG => nickname => $self->ctcp(TIME => time)); The code above will write this message to IRC server: PRIVMSG nickname :\001TIME 1393006707\001 disconnect $self->disconnect(\&callback); Will disconnect form the server and run the callback once it is done. new $self = Mojo::IRC->new(%attrs); Object constructor. register_default_event_handlers $self->register_default_event_handlers; This method sets up the default "DEFAULT EVENT HANDLERS" unless someone has already subscribed to the event. write $self->write(@str, \&callback); This method writes a message to the IRC server. @str will be concatenated with " " and "\r\n" will be appended. &callback is called once the message is delivered over the stream. The second argument to the callback will be an error message: Empty string on success and a description on error. DEFAULT EVENT HANDLERS ctcp_ping Will respond to the sender with the difference in time. Ping reply from $sender: 0.53 second(s) ctcp_time Will respond to the sender with the current localtime. Example: TIME Fri Feb 21 18:56:50 2014 NOTE! The localtime format may change. ctcp_version Will respond to the sender with: VERSION Mojo-IRC $VERSION NOTE! Additional information may be added later on. irc_nick Used to update the "nick" attribute when the nick has changed. irc_notice Responds to the server with "QUOTE PASS ..." if the notice contains "Ident broken...QUOTE PASS...". irc_ping Responds to the server with "PONG ...". irc_rpl_isupport Used to populate "server_settings" with information about the server. irc_rpl_welcome Used to get the hostname of the server. Will also set up automatic PING requests to prevent timeout and update the "nick" attribute. err_nicknameinuse This handler will add "_" to the failed nick before trying to register again. COPYRIGHT This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0. AUTHOR Marcus Ramberg - "" Jan Henning Thorsen - ""