=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

Twitter::Queue - the micro blogging cloud based FIFO queue


  use Twitter::Queue;

  my $q = Twitter::Queue-new({
    consumer_key        => '311ee384568611e79db19e8',
    consumer_secret     => '3cac5b46568611e79c9c5ad',
    access_token        => '45d89cc0568611e7991c72d',
    access_token_secret => '470dbab2568611e79c5d8ad',


  while (my $item = $q->next) {
    # do something

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new ($args)

Constructor, returns a new C<Twitter::Queue> object.

Requires hashref containing these key values:

  consumer_key        => '...',
  consumer_secret     => '...',
  access_token        => '...',
  access_token_secret => '...',
  size                => 100, # optional queue size

The Twitter key/secrets come from the Twitter API. You need to L<register|http://apps.twitter.com>
an application with Twitter in order to obtain them.

=head2 add ($item)

Adds C<$item> to the queue, C<$item> must be be a string that complies with Twitter's
character counting L<rules|https://dev.twitter.com/basics/counting-characters>.

=head2 next ()

Returns the next item in the queue, removing it from the queue. Returns C<undef>
if the queue is empty.

=head1 AUTHOR

E<copy> 2017 David Farrell

=head1 LICENSE

The (two-clause) FreeBSD License, see LICENSE.
