"Class::ByOS" - write object classes that load OS-specific subclasses at

    This module is for authors of object classes. A class might be written

     package System::Wobble;

     use Class::ByOS;

     # NOT new()
     sub __new
        my $class = shift;
        my @args = @_;

        return bless { internals => here }, $class;

     sub wobble
        # we'll just shell out to the 'wobble' binary
        system( "wobble" );


    The user of this class doesn't need to know the details; it can be used

     use System::Wobble;

     my $wobbler = System::Wobble->new();

    An OS-specific implementation can be provided in a subclass

     package System::Wobble::wobblyos;

     use base qw( System::Wobble );

     use WobblyOS::Wobble qw( sys_wobble );

     sub wobble { sys_wobble() }


    Often a module will provide a general functionallity that in some way
    uses the host system's facilities, but in a way that can either benefit
    from, or requires an implementation specific to that host OS. Examples
    might be IO system calls, access to networking or hardware devices,
    kernel state, or other specific system internals.

    By implementing a base class using this module, a special constructor is
    formed that, at runtime, probes the available modules, constructing an
    instance of the most specific subclass that is appropriate. This allows
    the object's methods, including its actual constructor, to be overridden
    for particular OSes, in order to provide functionallity specifically to
    that OS, without sacrificing the general nature of the base class.

    The end-user program that uses such a module does not need to be aware
    of this magic. It simply constructs an object in the usual way by
    calling the class's "new()" method and use the object reference

  $obj = $class->new( @args )
    By default, this module exports a "new()" function into its importer,
    which is the constructor actually called by the end-user code. This
    constructor will determine the best subclass to use (see
    "find_best_subclass()"), then invoke the "__new()" method on that class,
    passing in all its arguments.

  $class = find_best_subclass( $baseclass )
    This function attempts to find suitable subclasses for the base class
    name given. Candidates for being chosen will be

        For each candidate, it will be picked if that package provides a
        method called "__new". If it does not exist yet, then an attempt
        will be made to load the package using "require". If this attempt
        succeeds and the "__new" method now exists, then the candidate will
        be picked.

    *   Get "find_best_subclass()" to check OS family names too. E.g.
        "linux" would also try Unix, or POSIX, or something of that nature.
        Need a source of these names from somewhere. Tempted to try
        "Devel::CheckOS" but that can't distinguish OS names from families,
        nor can it provide taxonomy ordering.

    Paul Evans <>