Bundle::SDK::COG version 0.03 ============================= =head1 NAME Bundle::SDK::COG - CPAN Bundle for modules COG uses =head1 SYNOPSIS cpan Bundle::SDK::COG =head1 CONTENTS Bundle::CPAN Bundle::Test Test::Pod::Coverage Bundle::COG Astro::MoonPhase CPAN::Mini Date::DayOfWeek Module::Starter Perl::Tidy Spork Time::HiRes WWW::Mechanize Devel::Cover =head1 AUTHOR Jose Castro, C<< <cog@cpan.org> >> =head1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I got the idea for this very useful (to me) Bundle out of Simon's Bundle::SDK::SIMON. Apart from saving me much time whenever I go to a new machine, it can also serve as a way to show others what I'm using. I got the nerve to do it after reading this: http://use.perl.org/~Ovid/journal/26818. Afterall, "What is the CPAN for?" =head1 COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2005 Jose Castro, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.