NAME OpenSocialX::Shindig::Crypter - OpenSocial Shindig Crypter VERSION version 0.03 SYNOPSIS use OpenSocialX::Shindig::Crypter; my $crypter = OpenSocialX::Shindig::Crypter->new( { cipher => 'length16length16', hmac => 'forhmac_sha1', iv => 'anotherlength16k' } ); my $token = $crypter->create_token( { owner => $owner_id, viewer => $viewer_id, app => $app_id, app_url => $app_url, domain => $domain, module_id => $module_id } ); DESCRIPTION Apache Shindig <> is an OpenSocial container and helps you to start hosting OpenSocial apps quickly by providing the code to render gadgets, proxy requests, and handle REST and RPC requests. From the article < ionment/>, we know that we can do 'Application' things in Perl. basically the stuff will be * use Perl OpenSocialX::Shindig::Crypter (this module) to create st= encrypted token through "create_token" * the php "BasicBlobCrypter.php" will unwrap the token and validate it. The file is in the "php" dir of this .tar.gz or you can download it from < p/BasicBlobCrypter.php> you can copy it to the dir of "extension_class_paths" defined in shindig/config/container.php, it will override the default "BasicBlobCrypter.php" provided by shindig. and the last thing is to defined the same keys in shindig/config/container.php like: 'token_cipher_key' => 'length16length16', 'token_hmac_key' => 'forhmac_sha1', 'token_iv_key' => 'anotherlength16k', remember that "token_iv_key" is new METHODS * new my $crypter = OpenSocialX::Shindig::Crypter->new( { cipher => 'length16length16', hmac => 'forhmac_sha1', iv => 'anotherlength16k' } ); "cipher" and "iv" must be 16 chars. * create_token my $token = $crypter->create_token( { owner => $owner_id, viewer => $viewer_id, app => $app_id, app_url => $app_url, domain => $domain, module_id => $module_id } ); if you don't know what "module_id" is, you can leave it alone. * wrap my $encrypted = $crypter->wrap({ a => 1, c => 3, o => 5 } ); encrypt the hash by Crypt::Rijndael and Digest::SHA and encode_base64 it * unwrap my $hash = $crypter->unwrap($encrypted); decrypt the above data * deserialize * checkTimestamp * _serializeAndTimestamp EXAMPLE use URI::Escape; use MIME::Base64; use OpenSocialX::Shindig::Crypter; my $crypter = OpenSocialX::Shindig::Crypter->new( { cipher => $config->{opensocial}->{cipherKey}, hmac => $config->{opensocial}->{hmacKey}, iv => $config->{opensocial}->{ivKey}, } ); my $security_token = uri_escape( encode_base64( $crypter->create_token( { owner => $owner_id, viewer => $viwer_id, app => $gadget->{id}, domain => $config->{opensocial}->{container}, app_url => $gadget->{url}, } ) ) ); # later in tt2 or others # st=$security_token AUTHOR Fayland Lam <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2009 by Fayland Lam. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as perl itself.