DBD::RAM - a DBI driver for in-memory data structures

     # This sample creates a database, inserts a record, then reads
     # the record and prints it.  The output is "Hello, new world!"
     use DBI;
     my $dbh = DBI->connect( 'DBI:RAM:' );
     $dbh->func( [<DATA>], 'import' );
     print $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT col2 FROM table1');
     1,"Hello, new world!",sample

     All syntax supported by SQL::Statement and all methods supported
     by DBD::CSV are also supported, see their documentation for 

     DBD::RAM allows you to import almost any type of Perl data
     structure into an in-memory table and then use DBI and SQL
     to access and modify it.  It also allows direct access to
     almost any kind of flat file, supporting SQL manipulation
     of the file without converting the file out of its native

     The module allows you to prototype a database without having an
     rdbms system or other database engine and can operate either with 
     or without creating or reading disk files.

     DBD::RAM works with three differnt kinds of tables: tables
     stored only in memory, tables stored in flat files, and tables
     stored in various DBI-accessible databases.  Users may, for
     most purposes, mix and match these differnt kinds of tables
     within a script.

     Currently the following table types are supported:

        FIX   fixed-width record files
        CSV   comma separated values files
        INI   name=value .ini files
        XML   XML files (limited support)
        RAM   in-memory tables including ones created using:
                'ARRAY' array of arrayrefs
                'HASH'  array of hashrefs
                'CSV'   array of comma-separated value strings
                'INI'   array of name=value strings
                'FIX'   array of fixed-width record strings
                'STH'   statement handle from a DBI database
                'USR'   array of user-defined data structures

     With a data type of 'USR', you can pass a pointer to a subroutine
     that parses the data, thus making the module very extendable.

     This module is in a rapid development phase and it is likely to
     change quite often for the next few days/weeks.  I will try to keep
     the interface as stable as possible, but if you are going to start
     using this in places where it will be difficult to modify, you might
     want to ask me about the stabilitiy of the features you are using.

     This module should work on any any platform that DBI works on.

     You don't need an external SQL engine or a running server, or a
     compiler.  All you need are Perl itself and installed versions of DBI
     and SQL::Statement. If you do *not* also have DBD::CSV installed you
     will need to either install it, or simply copy into your DBD

     For this first release, there is no makefile, just copy
     into your DBD direcotry.


     In-memory tables may be created using standard CREATE/INSERT
     statements, or using the DBD::RAM specific import method:

        $dbh->func( $spec, $data, 'import' );

     The $spec parameter is a hashref containg:

         table_name   a string holding the name of the table
          col_names   a string with column names separated by commas
          data_type   one of: array, hash, etc. see below for full list
            pattern   a string containing an unpack pattern (fixed-width only)
             parser   a pointer to a parsing subroutine (user only)

     The $data parameter is a an arrayref containing an array of the type
     specified in the $spec{data_type} parameter holding the actual table

     Data types for the data_type parameter currently include: ARRAY, HASH,
     FIX (fixed-width), CSV, INI (name=value), DBI, and USR. See below for
     examples of each of these types.

          table_name => 'phrases',
          table_type => 'CSV',
          col_names  => 'id,phrase''
          qq{1,"Hello, new world!"},
          qq{2,"Junkity Junkity Junk"},
        ],'import' );

           data_type    => 'ARRAY',
             table_name => 'phrases',
             col_names  => 'id,phrase',
           [1,'Hello new world!'],
           [2,'Junkity Junkity Junk'],
     'import' );

         { table_name => 'phrases',
           col_names  => 'id,phrase',
           data_type  => 'HASH',
           {id=>1,phrase=>'Hello new world!'},
           {id=>2,phrase=>'Junkity Junkity Junk'},
     'import' );

         { table_name => 'phrases',    # ARRAY OF NAME=VALUE PAIRS
           col_names  => 'id,phrase',
           data_type  => 'INI',
           '1=2Hello new world!',
           '2=Junkity Junkity Junk',
     'import' );

         { table_name => 'phrases',
           col_names  => 'id,phrase',
           data_type  => 'FIX',
           pattern    => 'a1 a20',
           '1Hello new world!    ',
           '2Junkity Junkity Junk',
     'import' );

     The $spec{pattern} value should be a string describing the fixed-width
     record.  See the Perl documentation on "unpack()" for details.

     You can import information from any other DBI accessible database with
     the data_type set to 'sth' in the import() method.  First connect to the
     other database via DBI and get a database handle for it separate from the
     database handle for DBD::RAM.  Then do a prepare and execute to get a
     statement handle for a SELECT statement into that database.  Then pass the
     statement handle to the DBD::RAM import() method which will perform the
     fetch and insert the fetched fields and records into the DBD::RAM table.
     After the import() statement, you can then close the database connection
     to the other database.

     Here's an example using DBD::CSV --

      my $dbh_csv = DBI->connect('DBI:CSV:','','',{RaiseError=>1});
      my $sth_csv = $dbh_csv->prepare("SELECT * FROM mytest_db");
          { table_name => 'phrases',
            col_names  => 'id,phrase',
            data_type  => 'DBI',

        { table_name => 'phrases',    # USER DEFINED STRUCTURE
          col_names  => 'id,phrase',
          data_type  => 'USR',
          parser     => sub { split /=/,shift },
            '1=Hello new world!',
            '2=Junkity Junkity Junk',
     'import' );

     This example shows a way to implement a simple name=value parser.
     The subroutine can be as complex as you like however and could, for
     example, call XML or HTML or other parsers, or do any kind of fetches
     or massaging of data (e.g. put in some LWP calls to websites as part
     of the data massaging).  [Note: the actual name=value implementation
     in the DBD uses a slightly more complex regex to be able to handle equal
     signs in the value.]

     The parsing subroutine must accept a row of data in the user-defined
     format and return it as an array.  Basically, the import() method
     will cycle through the array of data, and for each element in its
     array, it will send that element to your parser subroutine.  The
     parser subroutine should accept an element in that format and return
     an array with the elements of the array in the same order as the
     column names you specified in the import() statement.  In the example
     above, the sub accepts a string and returns and array.

     PLEASE NOTE: If you develop generally useful parser routines that others
     might also be able to use, send them to me and I can encorporate them
     into the DBD itself.

     You may also create tables with standard SQL syntax using CREATE
     TABLE and INSERT statements.  Or you can create a table with the
     import method and later populate it using INSERT statements.  Howver
     the table is created, it can be modified and accessed with all SQL
     syntax supported by SQL::Statement.


     If no table type is supplied, an in-memory type 'RAM' will be
     assumed.  If no table_name is specified, a numbered table name
     will be supplied (table1, or if that exists table2, etc.).  The
     same also applies to column names (col1, col2, etc.).  If no
     data_type is supplied, CSV will be assumed. If the $spec parameter
     to import is missing, then defaults for all values will be used.
     Thus, the two statements below have the same effect:

        $dbh->func( [
            qq{1,"Hello, new world!"},
            qq{2,"Junkity Junkity Junk"},
            ],'import' );

                table_name => table1,
                table_type => 'CSV',
                col_names  => 'col1,col2'
              qq{1,"Hello, new world!"},
              qq{2,"Junkity Junkity Junk"},
            ],'import' );

     This module now supports working with several different kinds of flat
     files and will soon support many more varieties.  Currently supported are
     fixed-width record files, comma separated values files, name=value ini
     files, and (with limited support) XML files.  See below for details

     To work with these kinds of files, you must first enter the table in a
     catalog specifying the table name, file name, file type, and optionally
     other information.

     Catalogs are created with the $dbh->func('catalog') command.

                      {optional params}

     For example this sets up a catalog with three tables of type CSV, FIX, and

            ['my_csv', 'CSV', 'my_db.csv'],
            ['my_xml', 'XML', 'my_db.xml',{col_names=>'idCol,testCol'}],
            ['my_fix', 'FIX', 'my_db.fix',{pattern=>'a1 a25'}],
        ],'catalog' );

     Optional parameters include col_names -- if the column names are not
     specified with this parameter, then the module will look for the column
     names as a comma-separated list on the first line of the file.

     A table only needs to be entered into the catlog once.  After that all
     SQL statements operating on $table_name will actually be carried out on
     $file_name.  Thus, given the example catalog above, 
     "CREATE TABLE my_csv ..." will create a file called 'my_db.csv' and
     "SELECT * FROM my_xml" will open and read data from a file called

     In all cases the files will be expected to be located in the directory
     named in the $dbh->{f_dir} parameter (similar to in DBD::CSV).  This
     parameter may be specified in the connect() statement as part of the
     DSN, or may be changed later with $dbh->{f_dir} = $directory, at any
     point later.  If no f_dir is specified, the current working directory
     of the script will be assumed.


     This works similarly to DBD::CSV (which you may want to use instead
     if you are only working with CSV files).  It supports specifying the
     column names either in the catalog statement, or as the first line of
     the file.  It does not yet support delimiters other than commas or
     end of file characters other than newlines.


     Column names may be specified on the first line of the file (as a
     comma separated list), or in the catalog.  A pattern must be specified
     listing the widths of the fields in the catalog.  The pattern should
     be in Perl unpack format e.g. "a2 a7 a14" would indicate a table with
     three columns with widths of 2,7,14 characters.  When data is inserted
     or updated, it will be truncated or padded to fill exactly the amount
     of space alloted to each field.


     Column names may be specified on the first line of the file (as a
     comma separated list), or in the catalog.


     Column names *must* be specified in the catalog.  Currently this module
     does not provide full support for XML files.  The feature is included
     here as a "proof of concept" experiment and will be made more robust in
     future releases.  Only a limited subset of XML is currently supported:
     files can contain tags only as specified in the catalog columns list and
     the tags must be in the same order as that list. All tags for a given
     record must occur on the same line.  The parsing routine for the tags
     is very simple minded in this release and is probably easily broken.
     In future releases, XML::Parser will be required and will replace the
     regular expression currently used.

     Here is a sample XML file that would currently work with this module:

        <name>joe</name><state>new york</state>

     A single script can create as many tables as your RAM will support and you
     can have multiple statement handles open to the tables simultaneously. This
     allows you to simulate joins and multi-table operations by iterating over
     several statement handles at once.

     Lots of stuff.  An export() method -- dumping the data from in-memory
     tables back into files.  More robust support for XML files.  Support for
     a variety of other easily parsed formats such as Mail files, web logs.
     Support for HTML files with the directory considered as a table, each
     HTML file considered as a record and the filename, <TITLE> tag, and
     <BODY> tags considered as fields.

     Let me know what else...

     Jeff Zucker <>

         Copyright (c) 2000 Jeff Zucker. All rights reserved. This program is
         free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
         terms as Perl itself as specified in the Perl README file.

         This is alpha software, no warranty of any kind is implied.

     DBI, DBD::CSV, SQL::Statement