Test::Future::IO - unit testing on Future::IO


       use Test::More;
       use Test::Future::IO;
       my $controller = Test::Future::IO->controller;
          $controller->expect_syswrite( "Hello, world\n" );
          $controller->expect_sysread( 256 )
             ->will_done( "A string\n");
          $controller->check_and_clear( 'code under test did correct IO' );


    This package provides a means to apply unit testing around code which
    uses Future::IO. It operates in an "expect-and-check" style of mocking,
    requiring the test script to declare upfront what methods are expected
    to be called, and what values they return.


    Each of the actual Future::IO methods has a corresponding expectation
    method on the controller object, whose name is prefixed with expect_. A
    single call to one of these methods by the unit test script represents
    a single call to a Future::IO method that the code under test is
    expected to make. The arguments to the expectation method should match
    those given by the code under test. Each expectation method returns an
    object which has additional methods to control the behaviour of that

       $exp = $controller->expect_sleep( $secs );
       $exp = $controller->expect_sysread( $fh, $len );
       $exp = $controller->expect_syswrite( $fh, $bytes );
       $exp = $controller->expect_sysread_anyfh( $len );
       $exp = $controller->expect_syswrite_anyfh( $bytes );

    The returned expectation object allows the test script to specify what
    such an invocation should return.

       $exp->will_done( @result );

    Expectations can make methods fail instead.

       $exp->will_fail( $message );
       $exp->will_fail( $message, $category, @details );

    Expectations can be set to remain pending rather than completing.


    As a convenience, a syswrite expectation will default to returning a
    future that will complete yielding its length (as is usual for
    successful writes), and a sleep expectation will return a future that
    completes yielding nothing.



       $controller = Test::Future::IO->controller;

    Returns the control object, on which the various expect_* methods and
    check_and_clear can be invoked.


       $controller->check_and_clear( $name );

    Checks that by now, every expected method has been called, and emits a
    new test output line via Test::Builder. Regardless, the expectations
    are also cleared out ready for the start of the next test.


      * Configurable matching on filehandles. Provision of a mock
      filehandle object to assist unit tests.


    Paul Evans <>