- a process view/kill utility

Procmgr is a simple gui based utility to allow a user to interactively select from a list 
of running processes and have the processes killed.    The need for this utility came
about when I was working in an environment where everyone was using an X emulator from
their PC's.  If any network hiccups occurred, many of the X emulator processes would
hang on the server.  The users would re-connect, and go on, not realizing that a hung
process bearing their name was created on the server.   Since I was supporting the 
sysadmin group, I whipped up this utility so they we could easily clean up the server. 

When the app is started, the currently running processes are listed in the top pane.
The user can double-click on a process entry and have that entry added to the "kill
list" below.  Once all of the target processes are selected, the user can click on the
"Nuke it"  button to have the processes killed" .  If the user accidentally selects 
a wrong process, he can double-click on the process in the kill window to have it removed
from the list of killable processes. uses

Tk::SplitFrame from $CPAN/authors/id/D/DK/DKWILSON/Tk-DKW-0.01.tar.gz
This is a great package containing a lot of really nice widgets.  I highly recommend
getting this package anyway...


Nuke it! - Executes the kill process.

Proc Info - The user can also highlight a process, and press "Proc Info" to have more 
   information displayed about the highlighted process (ala finger).

Select By - The user can highlight a process, and pick a select method from the "select by" menu to 
   have all of the processes that have the same parameter as the selected method.  For example,
   if a process is highlighted that has a login of "monty", the user can select "Login" from the
   "Select By" menu to have all of the processes with the login parameter of "monty" selected and
   added to the kill list.

Add Multi - The user can select and drag multiple lines, then right-click or click on "Add Multi" to have
   all of the selected processes added to the kill list.

Filter - Allows the user to narrow down the display based on display filters.

Clear Kills - Clears the kill proc list.

Cancel - exits the app.

The column headers are actually buttons that when pressed, sorts the display on the selected 
column.  These header buttons can also be used to refresh the process list.

Procmgr can be fetched via CPAN:

or my homepage -

Thats it

Any comments/suggestions would be welcome.

Monty Scroggins