Apache::DAV - Perl access to mod_dav Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Gerald Richter / ecos gmbh www.ecos.de You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file. THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. $Id: README,v 1.2 2002/03/19 10:04:58 richter Exp $ Apache::DAV provides an Perl interface to mod_dav. It allows to access mod_dav when running under mod_perl. Basicly it makes available all public functions and structures of mod_dav to Perl. Most of them are only usefull with a good knowlegde of mod_dav internals. Apache::DAV provides some highlevel interface functions which allows to access the mod_dav internals that is what is normaly want to use. NOTE: Further versions will provide high level access to more mod_dav functions and the possibility to write provider for mod_dav in Perl, for example to store properties in a sql database. INSTALLATION ============ You need the Apache 1.3.x sources and the mod_dav 1.0.3 sources. 1.) Apply the patch mod_dav-1.0.3.patch to the mod_dav sources. 2.) Build Apache with the patched mod_dav. You also need to build mod_perl. It's important to keep the correct order: a.) run perl Makefile.PL of mod_perl b.) run ./configure of mod_dav, build and install mod_dav c.) build and install Apache and mod_perl 3.) run perl Makefile.PL APACHE_SRC=/patch/to/apache_1.3.x MODDAV_SRC=/path/to/moddav make make install SYNOPSIS ======== # get a sub request of the actual document $subr = $r -> lookup_uri($uri); # get a mod_dav resource object my ($err, $resource) = $subr->get_resource; # get the properties of the resource as xml text my ($status, $text, $namespaces) = $resource -> propfind ($subr) ; # get the properties of the resource as preparsed hash my ($status, $props) = $resource -> propfind_hash ($subr) ; # set and/or remove properties ($status, $statustext) = $resource -> proppatch ($subr, \%set, \%remove) ; DESCRIPTION =========== ($err, $resource) = $r -> get_resource ; Gets the resource object for an Apache request. If you don't want to access the resource of the current request itself, issue a sub request to get the correct Apache request for the resource you want to access. Returns an error object and a resource object. The error object has the members status and desc, which can be used the examine the error. ($status, $xmltext, $namespaces) = $resource -> propfind ($r) ; Finds all properties of the given resource. $r is a Apache request object. Returns $status, which is non zero when an error occurs and in $xmltext all properties as xml. $namespaces is a reference to a hash which contains all namespaces that occurs in $xmltext. ($status, $props) = $resource -> propfind_hash ($r) ; Same as propfind, but the xmltext text and the namespaces are preparsed and the result is given as a reference to a hash in $props. There is one hash entry for each top level property in hash. The hashkey is the namespace and the property name separated by a colon. ($status, $statustext) = $resource -> proppatch ($r, \%set, \%remove) ; Set or remove properties. Will set/modify all properties given in the hash reference \%set and remove all properties given in the hashrefenece \%remove. The hashkey is the namespace and the property name separated by a colon. The values in the \%remove hash are ignored. EXAMPLES ======== A example Embperl script, which can be used to display and modify properties can be found in eg/props.epl AUTHOR ====== Gerald Richter <richter@dev.ecos.de>