
Game::Amazing - Create, edit and check mazes for traversability


use Game::Amazing;


Game::Amazing can generate mazes, and check them for traversability (with
the Shortest Path and the Wall Follower Algorithms).

The module comes with some sample programs, including two games and a maze editor,
described in the EXAMPLES section.

See for more information.



Generate a new maze. There are two versions:

my $m = Game::Amazing::new($file);

This one loads an existing maze from a file. The filename should end with 
«.maze», but that isn't enforced.

my $m = Game::Amazing::new(rows => 25, cols => 25, scale => 7, ensure-traversable => False);

This is ...

It is also possible to generate a new maze with an existing object with this one:

$ => 25, cols => 25, scale => 7, ensure-traversable => False);

This is done by the «amazing-termbox» program when a new game is initiated, as letting 
the original maze object go out of scope terminates the program (without explanation).


Save the maze. There are three (or four) versions of this method.

Tou can pass it a filehandle (to a file open for writing):

my IO::Handle $fh = open :w, 'my-maze.maze';
$ ($fh);

Or you can specify a filename:

$ ('my-maze.maze');
The filename must end with «.maze».

This version has no positional argument, and will save the maze with a 
randomly generated filename. The filename is returned.

my $filname = $;
say $filename;  # -> /tmp/8spgH2MQBT.maze

You can add the «with-size» option to get the size of the maze added to the filename

my $filname = $;
say $filename;  # -> /tmp/AZPNWawtTz-25x25.maze


Return the maze as a single string with embedded newlines. It is used internally by the
save method, but can be used by user code as well.

my $string = $;


Change the symbol for the cell with the specified row and column. This works directly
on the maze, changing the affect of future calls to the methods `get-directions`,
`has-direction`, `is-traversable` and `is-traversable-wall`.

$m.set-cell($row, $col, $symbol);

This method is used by «amazing-gtk» to change cell values in edit mode.

Note that there is not check on the legality of the new symbol, nor the length of the
value. This is on purpose, making it possible to add markup to the maze itself before
printing it. This is done by «maze-solver-spa». This is subject to change.


This method return a string of directions from the specified cell. The letters are «N»
(north), «E» (east), «S» (south) and «W» (west).

Note that this method consider the neighbouring cells, so an exit in the current cell towards a
neighbouring cell that does not have a corresponding entrance (exit) will be ignored.

my $directions = $m.get-directions ($row, $col);


Check if the specified cell has an exit in the given direction, where the direction is one
of «N» (north), «E» (east), «S» (south) and «W» (west). 

Note that this method looks at the current cell only, without considering the neighbouring 
cellsm, so it is mainly for internal use. Use `get-directions` to get directions that 
actually exist.

my $boolean = $.has-direction($row, $col, $direction);


Remove the specified direction (on the form «N», «E», «S» or «W») from the specified cell. 
It returns False if it was unable to change the character, and True on success.

If the cell had two exits, the result of removing one of them is an empty cell (a space

my $boolean = $.remove-direction($row, $col, $direction);
This method does not work on the entrance or exit.


Add the specified direction (on the form «N», «E», «S» or «W») to the specified cell. It 
returns False if it was unable to change the character, and True on success.

Nothing is done if the cell is empty (a space symbol).

my $boolean = $.remove-direction($row, $col, $direction);

This method does not work on the entrance or exit.


Remove the specified direction (on the form «N», «E», «S» or «W») to the specified cell, if it
is there, and add it otherwise.

Removing a direction from a cell with two exits removes both, and adding a direction to an
empty cell will fail.

The method returns True if it was able to change the cell.

my $boolean = $.toggle-direction($row, $col, $direction);


Check if the maze is traversable, using the Shortest Path Algorithm.

my $boolean = $;

You can get the shortest path (or rather one of them, as there can be more than one with 
the same length) with the «:get-path» option:

my ($boolean, $path) = $;

If the maze is traversable, the path is a string of directional letters. Start at the
entrance and apply them one by one to get the actual path. The length of the string gives
the number of steps.

If the maze is not traversable, the path variable gives the coverage, i.e. a list of cells
that are reachable from the entrance. This is given as a two-dimentional array.

An example, where the `<red>` tag should not be taken literally:

my ($boolean, $path) = $;
my @visited = @($path);
for ^$m.rows -> $row
  for ^$m.cols -> $col
    print @visited[$row][$col]
	  ?? '<red>' ~ $m.maze[$row][$col] ~ '</red>'
	  ?? $m.maze[$row][$col];
  say '';


Check if the maze is traversable, using the Wall Follower Algorithm.

my $boolean = $ (:$get-path, :$left, :$verbose)

You can get the path with the «:get-path» option. The path will usually be rather convoluted, 
so the result here is a coverage array regardless of traversability.

my ($boolean, $path) = $;
my @visited = @($path);


The method follows the right wall by default. Specify «:left» to override this:

my $boolean = $ (:left)

Note that the Wall Follower Algorith will return you to the entrance if the maze is 
untraversable. The Left and Right variants will thus give the same result on an
untraversable maze (but from opposite directions).

It is possible to get some verbose output from the method, with the «:verbose» option.

my $boolean = $;

This is normally not very useful to end users.


The _bin_ directory has some programs that will be installed on installation. *zef* 
will tell you where they are installed, so that you can choose to add the directory 
to the path.

Below is a short description. You can run any of them with the «-h» command line
option to get more information.

The programs:


Generate a random maze.


Check if a given maze is traversable, using the «Shortest Path Algorithm».


Check if a given maze is traversable, using the «Wall Follower Algorithm».


Check if one or more mazes are traversable, and report how difficult they are.


A game. Traverse the maze in your terminal window. It sses the «Termbox» module.


Another game. Traverse the maze in a graphical window. It uses the «Gnome::GTK» 

This program can also edit mazes.


Arne Sommer <>


Copyright 2020 Arne Sommer

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.